Labour law

Relationships between Employer and Employee
Labour law covers all legal relationships between employer and employee. The focus is on employment contracts concluded between the parties in both the private and public sectors.
The termination of an employment contract, in particular, can give rise to numerous difficulties and disputes. The employer must comply with various legal provisions when terminating an employment contract in an ordinary way or with immediate effect or when formulating an amicable agreement. This is to avoid the risk of nullity or claims for damages, which can be substantial. Often, the employee is not aware of his rights and misses important deadlines to assert them.
Private and public domain
DFS AVOCATS supports both employees and employers in all matters relating to labour law in the private and public spheres. We are aware that disputes with the employer or the employee require a certain tact. We will be pleased to examine your case individually and to give you competent advice. In principle, we will try to find an out-of-court solution first. If this is not possible, we will, of course, defend your rights before the Labor Court.
DFS Avocats is also competent in the field of personnel law in the public domain.

Legal services in labour law
DFS Attorneys at Law offers legal services in the following areas:
Drafting of employment contracts
Drafting of personnel regulations
Certificate and attestation of employment
Non-competition clause
Ordinary, immediate or unfair dismissal
Dismissal during a protection period
Amicable termination agreement
Moral and/or sexual harassment
Rental of services
Personnel law under public law

Daniel F. SCHÜTZ haas been practicing for 20 years and also accepts mandates as director and manager of associations
Make an appointment with DFS Avocats
Our fields of legal expertise

Labour law

Law of commercial companies, foundations and associations

Family and inheritance law

Debt collection and bankruptcy, litigation

Real estate law, leases and rents

Banking and finance law

Foreigners law

Criminal law